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Via Campesina: Live from Palestine

October 2023

La Via Campesina

The ongoing escalation of crimes (blockade cutting water, food and electricity supplies and carpet bombing) against humanity committed by the Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is shocking.

For 75 years, the Palestinian people have continued to suffer from living under occupation and siege and endured numerous attacks and arrests. Information from the mainstream media on Palestine is, in most cases, limited in terms of coverage and at times, biased in favor of the Israeli Occupation. The Palestinian story is therefore either distorted or incomplete.

Live from Palestine: Testimonial Teach-In” is a timely and necessary webinar organized by La Via Campesina and allies to provide organizations and individuals the opportunity to listen to testimonials from Palestine to fill the information gaps and, of course, to act urgently

Guest Speakers from Palestine include:

  • Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)
  • Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network
  • Friends of Earth Palestine (PENGON)
  • Palestine Medical Relief Society (PMRS)
  • Stop the Wall Coalition

Who can attend: Everyone interested to better understand the Palestinian situation

Date: Sunday, 29 October 2023, 5 PM Palestine time

Zoom Link
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