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Resilient Hondurans Lead The Way To Protect Democracy in the Americas

August 2009

Today, thousands of people will fill the streets of Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. They are students, housekeepers, children and farmers from different parts of country—many of whom walked 10-12 miles a day to get to the capital. As column after column of people arrive, their spirits are unbeatable and their demand is clear: They want their elected president back.

For the past six weeks, Hondurans have been living in limbo with uncertainty. No one knows when the coup will end, so life can go back to normal.   National television and newspapers, which are controlled by allies of the de facto government, have spread fear among the population. Several people have been killed including youth and children. Hundreds of demonstrators have been arrested, with some allegedly beaten and tortured.   Despite this situation, the people continue to resist. In the last five days of non-violent demonstrations, marching towards Tegucigalpa, people are chanting: “They are afraid of us, because we are not afraid of them!”   Once again, the most marginalized are leading the call for justice. Their resilience nourishes our hope. And from our hope, we nourish the dreams of peace for all. The courage of the Honduran people is a demonstration that our American continent will resist going back to the ‘dark years’ of dictatorship and militarization. For that reason, we should not be silent about the coup in Honduras.   Today is the Global Action Day for Honduras. Grassroots International and hundreds of other organizations throughout the U.S. have responded to the call from the Via Campesina International. Join us in solidarity with the Honduran people.

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