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Fact Sheet: Elbit, TIAA-CREF and the Wall

March 2011

“No company is more deeply embedded in Israel’s brutal architecture, occupation and segregation than Elbit.”
— Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

The Wall, currently being built by Elbit Systems Ltd., separates Palestinian families from thousands of acres of farmland, aqueducts and wells. To make way for the massive structure, more than 100,000 olive trees have already been uprooted. And with each slab of concrete erected and security trench expanded, Elbit reaps ever greater profits while Palestinians endure violations to their resource and human rights.

TIAA-CREF, one of the world’s largest retirement funds, invests nearly $1.7 million in Elbit. Despite its claim to provide “Financial Services for the Greater Good,” TIAA-CREF continues to place its money in Elbit (and the Wall). Once construction is completed, the Wall will claim nearly half of the land of the West Bank, and approximately 90 percent of its water resources.

To learn more, read the Fact Sheet below — Elbit, TIAA-CREFF and the Wall that Separates Palestinians from their Resource Rights.

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