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Free-Trade Failures from Canada to Colombia

marzo 2008

Free-Trade Failures from Canada to Colombia: Stop SPP and the Colombia FTA

Learn about the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, a «super-NAFTA» package of trade and security initiatives organized behind closed doors between corporate leadership and the Mexican, Canadian, and US governments, and the Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (Colombia FTA), a «free-trade» deal built on a history of neoliberal repression of workers rights.

Find out how you can stop these undemocratic pro-corporate giveaways, and protect the rights of people, communities, and ecosystems threatened by «free trade.»

Speakers include:

  • Carleen Picard of the Council of Canadians
  • Hector Sánchez, policy education coordinator for Global Exchange’s Mexico Program
  • Manuel Pérez Rocha of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington
  • Author Maria Clemencia Ramirez, of the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History
  • Luis Fernando Castro of Colombia Vive

Co-sponsored by the Greater Boston Latin American and Caribbean Coalition, Boston/Cambridge Alliance for Democracy, North Bridge Alliance for Democracy, AFSC Project Voice, MIT Western Hemisphere Project,
Colombia Vive, Massachusetts Global Action, Jobs with Justice, Grassroots International and Global Exchange.

MIT Building 34, Room 101
50 Vassar Street, off Mass. Ave (map)

Free and open to everyone!

For information, please call Barbara at 781-894-1179, or email

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