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MST Activists Killed in Attack by Hooded Gunmen

noviembre 2004

This Saturday a group of hooded gunmen arrived at a small parcel of land in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and opened fire on a group of children, women, and men who have been living there in a makeshift encampment for the last two years.

Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement had identified the land as an un-used, state-owned parcel of land that, under the Brazilian Constitution, should have been distributed to landless workers so that it could be put to work for the good of all of Brazilian society.

More and more in the past two years, even under the worker-friendly goverment of President Luiz Ignacio «Lula» da Silva, landowners and other forces alligned against agrarian reform have resorted to brutal violence to fight the re-distribution of land.

You can read more about the story here and here. As soon as we have a statment from the MST available, we’ll post that here on Grassroots Journal.



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