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Deputy Commander of the United Nations Military Force in Haiti Accused of Committing Human Rights Violations under Pinochet

novembre 2005

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), its Chilean member Human Rights Defense Committee (CODEPU) and its partner organization in Haiti, the National Human Rights Defense Network (RNDDH) together demand the immediate suspension of General Eduardo Aldunate from his post as Deputy Commander in the military force of the United Nations Stabilizing Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).

General Aldunate belonged to the National Intelligence Agency (DINA), the political police force during Pinochet’s regime (1973-1990). The DINA was responsible for 3,000 extrajudicial executions, 1,200 disappearances and the torture of 30,000 political prisoners. General Aldunate is also suspected of having been a member of the « Mulchen Brigade », which was responsible for the illegal confinement and assassination of Mr. Carmelo Soria in July 1976. Mr. Carmelo Soria was a Spanish diplomat then in charge of the United Nations Economic Commission in Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) in the Santiago headquarters.

Click here to read the rest of the statement about the investigation, from the RNDDH, a member of Grassroots’ partner orgaization the Human Rights Platform (POHDH).

Click here to read (in French) « Haiti: What will follow after a missed opportunity for transition?, » a report from the FIDH on human rights during the period of the transitional government and the presence of MINUSTAH.

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