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Two new reports available from Other Worlds Are Possible collaborative

avril 2009

Two new reports are available from Other Worlds, a multi-media education and organizing collaborative. Grassroots International provided funding for « Who Says you Can’t Change the World? Just Economies on an Unjust Planet, » a groundbreaking 50-page report that introduces 12 grassroots alternatives to the current economic and environmental (dis)order, seen through real communities and movements who are living those alternatives every day. The report addresses alternative education, community media, the right to health care, land reform, food sovereignty, environmental justice, and solidarity economies, among other topics. The discussions highlight organizing taking place in five continents and in countless communities. We’ve also included lists of resources for more information and contact info for organizations working on similar issues in the US.

The Other Worlds Collaborative also published  « Changing the Flow: Water Movements in Latin America » This 56-page booklet was produced in collaboration with Food and Water Watch, Red VIDA, Transnational Institute, and Reclaiming Public Waters. It contains a dozen interviews with cutting-edge water warriors from the region. It also documents and analyzes the many exciting ways in which citizens’ movements are safeguarding their waters – both so that all may have access, and so that this precious resource is protected. The report offers insights into the role of gender, in its relationship both to public control of water and to water movements.

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