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A note from our colleagues at the Presbyterian Hunger Program

January 2010


Grassroots International collaborates with many allies and funders as part of our work in Haiti, including the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Below is a note we recently received from them which offers an update about our partner the Peasant Movement of Papaye (MPP). We had previously received word that MPP’s director Chavannes Jean Baptiste survived the earthquake and was working on relief efforts. Below are more reports concerning the MPP and their office in Port-au-Prince.   Excerpts from the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance program email:   As if Haiti did not have enough troubles now this new calamity has fallen upon the population of Port au Prince and its surroundings.… First let me give you an update of what we know in Haiti.   MPP and Mark Hare and Chavannes Jean Baptiste are all okay. Chavannes and Mark were in Papaye in the Central Plateau when the quake struck. While the tremors were felt they did not cause any damage there. The administrative and logistical office of MPP in Delmas (Port au Prince) suffered significant damages. One building is destroyed while the other remained relatively intact. The staff of MPP escaped injuries. All computer and electronic equipments in that office building are lost.   At this point we have limited communication with Haiti but this seems to be improving day by day. We will soon have full internet and phone connections restored…   Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is taking steps to implement a significant emergency response in collaboration with some of our local partners including MPP and others. You can check on their web page They have issued a churchwide appeal for contributions to help the relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction effort in Haiti. The special account for this appeal is DR000064. Please check the site for regular updates. 

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