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Aldo Gonzalez of UNOSJO interviewed in San Francisco

February 2010

Grassroots International partner Aldo Gonzalez from the Union of Organizations of the Sierra Juarez of Oaxaca (UNOSJO) joined us in the San Francisco Bay Area at the end of January for a week of meetings, conferences and public events.  UNOSJO is an indigenous-led organization working with Zapotec communities to build local autonomy and to increase food security in the Juarez mountains of northern Oaxaca, Mexico. UNOSJO provides technical assistance to small farmers with the goal of promoting sustainable rural economies that are based on respect for indigenous culture. It plays a vital role in educating local communities and collaborating with national and international organizations about the threat of genetically engineered maize.

While Aldo was in town he was interviewed for KPFA, the local Pacifica radio station, by journalist and photographer David Bacon.  David spoke with Aldo about UNOSJO’s work to preserve Zapotec indigenous cultural identity and defend collective land rights and natural resources.  Click here to  listen to the radio interview  with Aldo Gonzalez. (Note: his interview starts at Minute 35.)


Photo: Aldo Gonzalez (center) joined Anuradha Mittal and Nikhil Aziz at a panel in San Francisco, CA.

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