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Colombia: Challenging Corporate Power and State Terror

January 2008

This Saturday, January 26th is the World Social Forum Global Day of Action. Please join Mass Jobs with Justice in solidarity with the mission of the WSF for:

Colombia: Challenging Corporate Power and State Terror

11AM-1PM at the Community Church of Boston, 565 Boylston St, Boston MA.

Join Avi Chomsky, Orlando Acosta, Jeff Crosby and other organizers as they look at events in Colombia, free trade agreements, exploitation of natural resources, suppression of indigenous people, and targeting of workers.

Event to be followed by an action in solidarity with Colombia, marking the Global Day of Action.

For more information contact Russ at or 617-524-8778.

Why Colombia?

Massachusetts Jobs With Justice is working to support trade unionists and human rights activists in Colombia targeted by right wing paramilitary death squads. We have built a special relationship with the municipal workers union SINTRAOFAN in the hard hit province of Atioquia. One of its leaders, Hector Giraldo, has been working with JWJ, the Communication Workers, SEIU, and others in Massachusetts to build support in the U.S. and oppose the U.S. military’s “Plan Colombia”. In collaboration with SINTRAOFAN, MassJwJ has also expanded its solidarity networks with other Colombian trade unionists and are reacting to the constant stream of death threats hurled at labor organizers by pressuring both US and Colombian officials to protect the rights of our sisters and brothers in Colombia to organize.

We are also still in the fight against corporate driven globalization and the race to the bottom. After stopping the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) dead in its tracts, working people and their allies now have to shift gears. Right now, congress is in the process of passing bilateral free trade agreements with Peru, Colombia, Panama and South Korea – all of them build on the same disastrous NAFTA-formula. Join us as Jobs with Justice continues to struggle against these bills and build a global movement for working people.

Hope you can make it!

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