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Food vs. Fuel: Is Biofuel Production from Farms Jeapordizing our Food Security?

October 2007

A daylong event that will explore Biofuels from a multi-sectoral, global perspective, and debate the question of whether Biofuel production is endangering our food security.

Featuring Saulo Araujo, Grasroots’ Global Programs Assistant and a Senior Fellow at the Environmental Leadership Program and George Naylor, President of the National Family Farm Coalition in the workshop “Biofuel-Food Complex” and Grassroots’ Resource Rights Specialist Corrina Steward in the Food vs. Fuel debate.

Tufts University’s School of Nutrition
150 Harrison Ave.
Boston, MA 02111
October 13th 8:30—3:30

Registration (Continental Breakfast and Lunch included)
$15 for students, $20 for non-students
To register please call 617-755-6719 or visit

Sponsored by:The Environmental Leadership Program

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