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Honduras: Unsolved matters

January 2010


The social conflict in Honduras continues, as our colleague Berta Joubert-Ceci reports in “A new phase in the struggle in Honduras.”     Contrary to what the Obama administration and its allies claimed, the elections in Honduras didn’t end conflict within the country. People are still demonstrating against the abuses of the now-ruling elites. According to Berta’s report, 15,000 people showed up in front of the National Congress to protest the exit of Honduras from the Bolivarian Alternative of the Americas (ALBA). ALBA was created in 2004 as a regional alternative to the Free Trade Agreement to the Americas (FTAA). The departure of Honduras from ALBA represents a loss for the country’s poor.   Politically, Berta’s report demonstrates that Honduras’ withdrawal from ALBA will backfire, as the people of Honduras continue to struggle for a new constitution that guarantees the cultural and economic rights of all. Click here to read the full article.  

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