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Interview with Julio dos Santos Pessego of UNAC and UCASN

February 2009

While attending the Via Campesina’s Vth International Conference, publisher and author Nic Paget-Clarke caught up with Julio dos Santos Pessego. Pessego is a member of UCASN (União dos Camponeses Sul de Niassa / South Niassa Peasants’ Union) and advocacy project director for UNAC (União Nacional de Camponeses / National Peasants’ Union) in Niassa province, Mozambique.

Paget-Clarke’s interview with Pessego was published In Motion Magazine. We are also providing a PDF version of their conversation, which has been formatted for printing.

Nic Paget-Clarke, publisher and co-editor of In Motion Magazine, helped document and photograph the Via Campesina’s Vth International Conference in Maputo, Mozambique. Grassroots International helped fund his participation in the conference.

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