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New Report on Seeds and Seed Practices across the US

April 2014

In honor of the International Day of Peasants’ Struggle (April 17), the U.S. Food Sovereignty Alliance today released A Preliminary Report on Seeds and Seed Practices across the US based on surveys of seed savers and seed advocates from around the United States.

The report provides answers to who, where, which and why people save seeds. At a time when a few very powerful multinational corporations such as Monsanto threaten to control seeds – the very basis of food and life itself –  the launch of this report is timely.

Based on the surveys and the Call to Action of the US Food Sovereignty Alliance, the Seed Report provides individual, community, national and international action recommendations aimed at defending seeds from privatization and preserving them for the common good. The report is especially pertinent during 2014, the International Year of Family Farming, as designated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Grassroots International is a founding member of the US Food Sovereignty Alliance and participated as part of the Rights of Mother Earth/Defense of the Commons workgroup in the production of the Preliminary Report on Seeds and Seeds Practices.

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