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Rep. Kucinich Urges Diplomatic Push to End Gaza Siege

December 2008

We salute Representative Dennis Kucinich for his compassionate and courageous letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asking her to use her influence to press the Israeli government to honor international law and end the blockade against Gaza. (Click the link below to read his letter.)

Grassroots International and Jewish Voice for Peace, together with Global Exchange and Code Pink joined together to support the International Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza-an emergency humanitarian aid campaign for Gazans.  Grassroots’ partners have shared horrible stories of suffering experienced by men, women and children who virtually live as prisoners inside the small and overpopulated territory – the vast majority of which is made up of refugee camps. We have seen documentaries of Gazan fisher folk being shot at by Israeli Navy gunboats for entering within three miles of the arbitrarily imposed six-mile fishing limit.

Given the conditions faced within Gaza as a result of the Israeli government’s policy of “collective punishment” we are pleased to see that Rep. Kucinich is calling upon the Israeli government to respect international law and stop undermining its people’s quest for peace and security.

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