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Talking development, training and sovereignty with Haitian movement leader

October 2014

Rose Edith Germain of the National Congress of Papaye Peasant Movement (MPNKP) tells us, in her own words, why training is the life blood of organizations. She also speaks to the vitality of partnerships and the power of food sovereignty to create lasting change.

A longtime partner of Grassroots International, the MPNKP has more than 100,000 members, making it the largest and most broad-based national peasant organization in Haiti. This powerful confederation of grassroots groups provides technical assistance, training and a platform for policy work as peasants strive to maintain a sustainable economy and participatory democracy. In addition to supporting these trainings, Grassroots International has also provided ongoing support for the Creole Pig and Goat Repopulation Project, which restores economic vitality and security to rural communities.

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