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The Threat of Agrofuels

November 2007

Wisconsin based Family Farm Defenders (FFD) is a leading member of Grassroots International’s ally National Family Farm Coalition. FFD was formed in 1994 and works to create a family farmer-controlled and consumer oriented food system, and has been a leading ally of farm workers and minority farmers including indigenous farmers. John Peck, the executive director of FFD recently wrote an article warning against the threat of agrofuels for family farmers in the Global South and here in the U.S.

As concerns about peak oil mount, many people are declaring agrofuels to be the latest panacea for saving civilization from its impending collapse. Propelling this bandwagon is a whole gaggle of venture capitalists, free trade advocates, farm commodity groups, agribusiness giants, biotech outfits, and – yes – the oil giants and car makers. As detailed in the July 2007 issue of Seedling (available online at, many of the biggest agrofuel boosters are familiar opponents to those now struggling for global justice, food sovereignty, and land reform

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