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Via Campesina Sets an International Agenda

August 2007

In early August, the Via Campesina, the world’s largest social movement of farmers, farmworkers and rural communities, came together in Mexico City to commit to an international agenda to squash corporate control of agriculture from Mexico to Indonesia. 

The global spread of the agrofuels industry and the continued ecological and economic threats to global food sovereignty have intensified the Via Campesina’s campaign plans.  To kick off their campaigns, they declared an international day of protest on January 26, 2008 that will target Monsanto, Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland, and Wal-Mart.  Close to home, in Mexico, they will focus on stopping the final implementation of NAFTA. 

Laura Carlsen,  director of the Americas Program at in Mexico City and co-editor of Confronting Globalization: Economic Integration and Popular Resistance in Mexico, spoke to members of the social movement, who explained that at the heart of their campaigns are three necessary, yet simply notions: “to remain farmers, to provide a healthy and sustainable food supply, to market their product fairly.” (Read the rest of her article here. )

Grassroots International is closely involved in the Via Campesina’s efforts in supporting their campaign objectives through grants and through U.S.-based advocacy. 

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