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We Denounce the West Bank Annexation

#Statements#Human Rights Defense#Defense of territory
July 2020

Grassroots International

As early as July 1, the Palestinian people stand to lose 90 percent of the Jordan Valley and over 75 villages. Israel, with the U.S. government’s support, is trying to annex one-third of Palestinian land in the West Bank.

Grassroots International denounces Israel’s criminal annexation of the West Bank. We join our partners and allies to condemn the “Land Theft of the Century” that will steal from families that have lived in the area for generations.

By taking the Jordan Valley, Israel is not only taking land but further taking away the rights to water and sustainable livelihoods from farmers who live there. Already, Israel’s control over the region has led to Israeli settlements consuming three times as much water per person per day as West Bank residents do.

The impetus for Israel’s actions stem, in part, from the U.S. government’s full-throated support of annexation through the Middle East Peace Plan announced in January. Far from a “peace plan,” President Donald Trump is inviting violent evictions and upheaval on families.

We are calling on people of conscience to stand with Palestinians and demand the U.S. government stop funding Israel’s military forces — those who will carry out the annexation. Please sign Jewish Voice for Peace’s action by clicking the link below.

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