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Grassroots Calls on International Community to Involve Grassroots Human Rights Organizations in Haiti’s Political Transition

March 2004

Grassroots International today called on the U.S. and the United Nations to actively seek the participation of Haiti’s grassroots organizations in the country’s political transition.

Since 1991, Grassroots International (GRI) has supported Haitian social change organizations working on human rights and food sovereignty issues. Many activists in those organizations supported President Jean Bertrand Aristide at the time of the coup against him in 1991, and worked with the Lavalas party during the 1990s, only to join the civic opposition to the President in the recent period.

“Haiti’s political class has proved itself unable to find a democratic way forward for the country. It is time to create a political transition that builds on the rich experience of the country’s grassroots development and human rights organizations,” said Kevin Murray, Executive Director of Grassroots International. “It is more important than ever that their voices be heard in this transition period.”

GRI’s partners in Haiti include human rights advocates, peasant movements and alternative development groups working in urban and rural contexts. Their experiences and insights from decades of grassroots, democratic organizing and movement building will be indispensable to a positive resolution of the current crisis. GRI has been in contact with our Haitian partners throughout the escalating crisis.

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