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Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: False Solutions to Climate Change

July 2010

From REDD to COP-16 to pending US legislation like ACES, the climate change debate has become a whirlwind of confusing acronyms, new (or newly branded) technologies, data and concepts. Yet these seemingly incomprehensible policy debates will set the rules not only for the response to and management of climate change globally, but also how basic common resources – like land and air – are controlled now.    [For the record: REDD is Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, and ACES is the American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454). COP-16 refers to as the 16th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). For more information, download the booklet!]   To facilitate community participation and justice in the ongoing climate policy saga – which broken governments and greedy multi-national corporations are using as a shield to advance new privatization schemes – the technofixes and policy jargon must be debunked.    In answer to this demand, Grassroots International’s allies Rising Tide North America and Carbon Trade Watch have released in both Spanish and English the second edition of Hoodwinked in the Houthouse: False Solutions to Climate Change.    The resource can be downloaded in English  or in Spanish, or you can request a free printed booklet by sending an email to: FalseSolutions [AT] RisingTideNorthAmerica [DOT] org. See below to read Rising Tide’s full announcement. —–   Rising Tide North America and Carbon Trade Watch are pleased to announce the 2nd edition of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: False Solutions to Climate Change. This 28-page booklet provides a close-to-comprehensive overview of false solutions to climate change. Fifteen concise articles—complete with photos and illustrations—cover more than 20 false solutions to climate change, from Clean Coal to Biomass incineration, providing an easy-to-read introduction to the ever expanding market place of climate crisis technofixes.
  With the incredible pace of the climate policy debate, the 2nd edition provides key updates to crucial topics like REDD (a major new commodification of forests and lands), which was just emerging at the time of initial publication. Equally important, the booklet expands to more technologies that are being branded as “green” despite the grave dangers associated with them, such as waste incineration, biochar, and genetically engineered “carbon sucking” trees. We’ve also included much more information on real solutions and positive steps communities can we can take to stop the climate crisis.  The booklet includes contributions from ETC Group, the Indigenous Environmental Network, Movement Generation, the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, and International Rivers as well as art and photography from across the movement for climate justice. We invite you to download Hoodwinked from the Hothouse today! Also available in its entirety in Spanish here!  If you’d like to order a large quantity, we’d be excited to discuss possibilities for getting you a box of Hoodwinked for your group or city—contact us for details. And please feel encouraged to forward this announcement to local bookstores and other distributors that carry zines and short publications!  ~Rising Tide North America and Carbon Trade Watch

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