Servicios del Pueblo Mixe (Serviços do Povo Mixe) – SER Mixe
Faz 35 anos que a organização Servicios del Pueblo Mixe (Serviços do Povo Mixe) é parte fundamental da defesa dos direitos indígenas, principalmente os direitos das comunidades impactadas pela desregulamentação das estruturas fundiárias comunais.
A SER Mixe é uma organização indígena que atende a mais de 130 mil pessoas em 30 comunidades do estado de Oaxaca. Ela oferece processos de resolução de conflitos e assessoria jurídica às comunidades indígenas que sofrem ameaças de novas demarcações, concessões para mineração em potencial e grilagem de terras em seus territórios. Sua atuação jurídica e de incidência se baseia na Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas, que inclui o direito comunal à terra, ao território e aos recursos naturais.
A SER Mixe também defende emendas constitucionais relacionadas à autonomia indígena. Ela acredita que só com autonomia os povos indígenas do México conseguirão garantir seu status político de forma livre e plena, além de sua própria forma de se desenvolver econômica, social e culturalmente. Para tanto, busca fortalecer as condições necessárias para que as comunidades usufruam de seus direitos coletivos. A construção da autonomia demanda um processo de articulação (reunião, análise e estratégia conjuntas) entre as comunidades em nível regional, além de capacitação, de uma formulação participativa dos estatutos comunais, de uma ampla divulgação dos direitos territoriais e do recurso à justiça, se necessário, nos casos de violação de direitos.
A SER Mixe participa ativamente do Coletivo de Oaxaca em Defesa dos Territórios, do Espaço de Oaxaca em Defesa do Milho Nativo e da Rede (nacional) em Defesa do Milho, além de estar envolvida na construção do movimento indígena internacional.
Explore nossos recursos relevantes
Over 70 Civil Society Organizations Call on US, UN to End Intervention in Haiti
Solidarity Then and Now: 35th Anniversary of the UCA Massacre
- M. Brinton Lykes and Gordon Crean
Justice for Juan López in Honduras
- Grassroots International
While Congress Celebrated Netanyahu, We Marched
- Ayman Nijim
Guatemala Mourns Murder of Peasants’ Rights Defenders
- Grassroots International
The Crisis in Haiti: Analysis and Solutions from the Ground | A Learning Guide
- Grassroots International
Funding in Haiti and Palestine Amid Devastating Conditions
- Michael Kavate, Inside Philanthropy
Palestine: Six Months of Genocide
- Grassroots International
Scaffolding for a Liberated Future: Our New Movement Infrastructure Fund
- Grassroots International
Haitian Movements Are Clear: Foreign Intervention Is No Solution
- Grassroots International
Report Exposes Root of US Anti-Terrorism Laws: Targeting Palestine
- Center for Constitutional Rights andPalestine Legal
Who Are My People? The March on Washington for Gaza and Historical Connections in Black-Palestinian Solidarity
- Trina Jackson
Struggle Advances Democracy in Guatemala
- Christina Schiavoni
Seeing Occupation First-Hand: A Delegate Reflection from Palestine
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- Sector de Mujeres
On the Anniversary of Haiti’s Independence, Redoubling Solidarity
- BoaventuraMonjane
National Movement Leaders Arrested As They Call for Ceasefire
- Invest in Life, Divest from Death
Reflections on a Recent Visit to Palestine
- Grassroots International
A Critical Moment for Democracy in Guatemala
- Comité de Unidad Campesina and Sector de Mujeres
Philanthropy Open Letter for Humanity and Justice
- Funders For Ceasefire
المطالبة بوضع حد للاستعمار الاستيطاني والاحتلال والحصار العسكري
- Grassroots International
Exigir O Fim Do Colonialismo, Da Ocupação E Do Asedio Militar
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Demanding an End to Settler Colonialism, Occupation, and Military Siege
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5 Things You Need to Know About the Latest Violence in Palestine/Israel
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Grassroots Through the Years: Human Rights
- Grassroots International
Grassroots Through the Years: Healing and Wellbeing
- Martin-Baro Initiative & Collective Healing
Solidarity Does Not Mean Sameness
- Grassroots International
For #Nakba75 in Palestine: Learn and Act
- Grassroots International
Israel’s Cruel Administrative Detention Against Palestinians
Advancing Just Transformation in Puerto Rico: Strategies from the Frontlines after Fiona
- Grassroots International
A Message from Gaza to US Policymakers
- Grassroots International
Celebrating International Women’s Day
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Brazilians Demand Justice Four Years after Brumadhino Dam Disaster
- Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens
A Step Forward for Territorial Rights in Brazil
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Brazil Movements Respond to Coup Attempt
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After Elections, MST Will Keep Up the Struggle
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2022 in Review: Building, Deepening, and Growth
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Human Rights Day 2022: Struggle, Resistance, and Healing
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Challenging Philanthropy to Step Up for Palestine
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INTERVIEW: Miriam Miranda Denounces Repression
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Rural Movements Defend Brazil’s Democracy
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A Movement Exchange for Healing and Justice
- Grassroots International
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- Grassroots International
Fighting for the Garifuna, in Honduras and the US
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Planting Seeds by Building Youth Leadership
- Chris Morrill
LGBTQIA+ Peasants in Struggle: Free Our Land, Free Our Bodies
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Having KOURAJ to Make a Difference in Haiti
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- La Via Campesina
Raising a United Voice for Indigenous Lives and Mother Earth
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Global Solidarity Beats Back Evictions in Brazil
- Grassroots International
Women Narrate Their Stories of Healing and Resistance
- Grassroots International
Human Rights Funders Must Support Civil Society in Palestine
- Alice Rothchild, MD
Teaching Dissent, Building Mass Movements
- Grassroots International
Grassroots International Commends Amnesty International Report on Israeli Apartheid Against Palestinians
- Grassroots International
In 2022, Solidarity Remains Our Way Forward
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2021 in Review and Resistance
- Grassroots International
Defending Haitian Human Rights in an Era of Instability
- Rebecca Gonser
Movements Face New Period in Honduras
- Grassroots International
Ahead of Honduran Elections, Movements Denounce Violence and Demand Democracy
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Denouncing Crackdown against Peaceful Protest in Guatemala
- Alba Movimientos
OFRANEH Honored with Human Rights Award
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Quilombola Communities Defend Territory Against Invasion in Brazil’s Cerrado
- Grassroots International
Black August: Roots, Resistance and Global Solidarity
- Trina Jackson
Supporting a Haitian-Led Crisis Response
- Grassroots International
Standing with Haitian Movements at a Critical Political Juncture
- Jubilee South Caribbean
Palestine Post-Ceasefire: Update and Call for Continued Solidarity
- Grassroots International
Mobilizing People and Moving Money for Palestinian Rights
- KatherineAsuncion
Guarding the Cracks in Their Apartheid Walls
- Jamal Juma
This Must End: A Call for Action from Palestine
- Dr. Yasser Abu Jamei
Heed Palestine’s Call for Justice
- Grassroots International
International Day of Peasant Struggle: Looking Back to Build Forward
- Grassroots International
Eldorado do Carajás, 25 Years of Impunity: Interview with Ayala Ferreira
- Fernanda Alcântara
Empire, Anti-Asian Violence and the Challenge of Democracy
- CarolSchachet
Sowing a Feminist Future
- Grassroots International
An Emergency Acknowledged, Thanks to Grassroots Feminists
- Chris Morrill
In Guatemala, Resignations are Not Enough
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Guatemala’s Movements Shake the System
- Grassroots International
2020 in Review: Response, Recovery and Transformation
- Grassroots International
Converging to Overcome Crisis and Change the System
- Salena Tramel
After Decades of Delay, A Step Towards Justice in El Salvador
- Christina Schiavoni
MST Resists COVID-19 Clampdown
- Chris Morrill
We Denounce the West Bank Annexation
- Grassroots International
Palestinian Solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives
- Jamal Juma
Ex-Salvadoran Colonel Faces Charges for 1989 Killings
- CarolSchachet
Justice for George Floyd and Solidarity in Defense of Black Life
- Grassroots International
Black Lives in The Netherlands and Europe
- Salena Tramel
Environmental Defender Murdered in Honduras
- CarolSchachet
Webinar Discusses Root Causes, COVID-19 Responses and Next Steps for Social Movements
- ShannonDuncan Bodwell
New report calls on Harvard University to stop land grabs
- Grassroots International
For Coronavirus Patients, MST Offers Training Center as a Field Hospital
- Brasil De Fato
Standing Up for Free Speech in Guatemala
- Chris Morrill
Berta Cáceres Murder: Sentencing and Struggle
- Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH)
30 Years of Accompaniment & Solidarity Towards Social Transformation
- M. BrintonLykes
Your Voice in My Memory
- Carlos Martín-Baró
Government in Haiti Attacks Protests
- Haitian Studies Association
VICTORY! Justice Suspends Eviction Order of Paulo Freire Training Center
- Landless Workers Movement
Coming Out! Gender Diversity in the Food System
- Paula Gioia
Commemorating Assassinations and Celebrating 30 Years of the MBF
- Meredith Hawkins
Court Suspends Eviction of Landless Workers Movement Encampment
- Grassroots International
Violence Against Indigenous Hondurans Shows Us What Fuels Migration
- Jovanna Garcia Soto
Remembering Pandu
- Shannon Duncan Bodwell
Puerto Rican Resistance Began Long Before Rosselló
- Yulissa Arce Mendez
Garifuna Face Attack, Contact Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
- Grassroots International
Solidarity with Border Agricultural Workers Project
- Grassroots International
World Indigenous People’s Day: Supporting Defense and Dignity
- Chris Morrill
Environmental Defenders — Often Fighting Agribusiness — Are Being Violently Silenced Around the World
- Greta Moran
Honduran Coup Cruelly Creates Migrant Exodus
- Honduran Women's Manifesto of Rebellion
Building Powerful Movements
- Grassroots International
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- Movement of People Affected by Dams
The “Joyous, Sometimes Labored Breathing” of an Alternative in Rural Brazil
- Tarso Ramos
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- ShannonDuncan Bodwell
We Are All Affected: Aftermath of Brumadinho Disaster
- ShannonDuncan Bodwell
Sector de Mujeres Office Raided on International Women’s Day
- DianaVilla
VIDEO: Building Grassroots Feminism on Women’s Day
- ChrisMorrill
2018 in Review: Growth of Resistance, Impact
- JonathanLeaning
From the Women’s March to the World March of Women: Grassroots Solutions to Root Causes
- ChrisMorrill
In Support of Democracy, Human Rights and the Environment in Brazil
- Grassroots International
Pushed, Pulled — and Exploited
- Grassroots International
MAB Appointed Chair of the National Human Rights Council
- Movement of People Affected by Dams
Peasants’ Rights are Human Rights
- Emma George
Statement in Solidarity with the MST
- CarolSchachet
Demanding the Human Right to Mental Health in Gaza
- ChrisMorrill
Solidarity Shields Human Rights Workers from Bombs
- ChrisMorrill
Tell TIAA to Get Out of the Land Grabbing Business
- Family Farm Defenders
Is the Solution to Climate Change Caring More About People?
- Lindsey Mease, Olivia Trabysh, and Allison Davis
Sofia Robles Hernandez: Defending Communal Land and Culture
- JonathanLeaning
Alaa Hammouda: Spreading the Word on the Mental Health Crisis in Gaza
- JonathanLeaning
35th Anniversary Panelists Announced
- ShannonDuncan Bodwell
Berta Caceres Murder Trial Suspended In Face of Due Process Violations
- Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras
Black August: Local Struggles, Global Solidarity
- ChrisMorrill
Black August: Resistance Shared Across Borders and Time
- ChrisMorrill
Black August: A Lesson in Solidarity in Practice
- ChrisMorrill
Sharpening Communication: Harnessing the Media to Build Solidarity
- Leonie Rauls
Black August: Seeing Hope and Sticking to It
- ChrisMorrill
Haitian Uprising in the Wake of Gas Hikes, Neocolonialism
- Mina Remy
VIDEO: Landless Workers Movement in Solidarity with Immigrants
- ChrisMorrill
Sharing Lessons in the Black Diaspora: Black Women Lead Delegation to Haiti
- ChrisMorrill
Haiti’s Social Movements Chart Path for Nation’s Future
- JonathanLeaning
Standing in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People
- Jovanna Garcia Soto
Is Land Speculation Helping Destroy Brazil’s “Birthplace of Waters”?
- JeffConant
This Ramadan Season and Beyond, Holding Gaza Close
- SalenaTramel
What is the Ongoing Nakba?
- Grassroots International
Social Security Protests in Nicaragua? Hold on a Second…
- Jake Johnston
VIDEO: Palestinian Center for Human Rights Director on “Great Return March”
- Palestinian Center for Human Rights
Land Day Marked by Israel’s Killing of Unarmed Palestinians
- JonathanLeaning
America is Crying – The Struggle for Water in Latin America
- Marcelo Aguilar
Murder and Assault Committed Against Evicted Families in Guatemala
- Peasant Unity Committee
Security Forces Persecute Peasant Union Leaders in Honduras
- Platform of the Social and Popular Movement of Honduras
Haitian Independence Day: Land, Human Rights and Labor
- ChrisMorrill
Movement Building at the Heart of Haitian Peasants’ Response to Climate Change
- Mina Remy and Salena Tramel
Black Lives and Climate Justice: Courage and Power
- Grassroots International
In Banner Year, Grassroots International Almost Triples Its Impact
- JonathanLeaning
Grassroots International Board Member Recounts Experience in Honduras During Electoral Crisis
- CarolSchachet
Honduras: US Rights Groups Condemn Election Result as Not Credible
- JonathanLeaning
Grassroots International and other Organizations Speak out Regarding Honduran Elections
- Jovanna Garcia Soto
Between Hope and a New Horizon
- Nilmar Lage
During Honduras’ Crisis of Democracy, Celebrating Women’s Leadership There
- JonathanLeaning
Honduran Movements Resist Fraud and Dictatorship
- ChrisMorrill
Honduras: US Outrage Sparked at Risk of Election Theft: Rights groups issue a joint statement; rally to pressure US, Honduras governments for transparency
- Grassroots International
Honduran Election Must Not Be Stolen, Warns US Human Rights Group: Widespread Violence Feared
- Grassroots International
Connecting the Local and Global: Lessons in Movement Building from Massachusetts to El Salvador
- ChrisMorrill
Shared Injustice, Shared Struggle on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
- ClaireGilbert
Honduran Leaders Miriam Miranda and Berta Zúñiga Cáceres Speak Out
- CarolSchachet
You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream, for Fair Ice Cream!
- Allison Kaika
Honduran Activists Speak at New York City Event
- Hilda Vega
New Threats Against Human Rights Defenders Require New Kinds of Protection
- Padre Melo
Gaza Unlivable, Says UN and Our Own Eyes
- CarolSchachet
VIDEO: Berta Cáceres Act Needs to Be Passed
- Shannon Duncan Bodwell
The Bank Trap: A Statement from COPINH on the Agua Zarca Dam Investors
- Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras
Demonstrators Protest Against Temer in Front of the Brazilian Consulate in Boston
- Brazilian Times Staff
Miami Meeting Aims to Further Militarize Efforts to Control Migration
- ChristyPardew
Brazil: Power in the Streets, Targeted Violence in the Countryside
- ChristyPardew
VIDEO: Maria Luisa Mendonça of Rede Social on Crisis & Organizing in Brazil
- ChristyPardew
Grassroots International Joins Call to Protect Haitians from Deportation
- Mina Remy
VIDEO: Settlements Dumping Toxic Waste in the Jordan Valley
- ChristyPardew
Workers Affected by Dams Take the Streets in Defense of Retirement and Worker’s Rights
- The Movement of People Affected by Dams
TIAA Campaign Update: Momentum Builds Towards a Land Grab-Free Policy Shift
- Grassroots International
People, Policy, and Power: Envisioning a New Honduras
- Salena Tramel
Mexican Feminist Speaks Out against Trump Presidency
- Eric Niermeyer
From Crisis Response to Building Resiliency in Haiti
- MinaRemy
Supporting Honduran Movements in the Struggle for Resource Rights
- Eric Niermeyer
Demand Justice for Palestinian Human Rights Defender
- ShannonDuncan Bodwell
Seven Years After the Earthquake: Haiti in an Unprecedented Humanitarian, Food and Climate Crisis
- Nicole Phillips
Native Waters, Native Warriors: From Standing Rock to Honduras
- Beverly Bell
An Open Letter of Solidarity Among Indigenous Peoples
- Espacio Estatal en Defensa del Maiz Nativo de Oaxaca
Garífunas Arrested for Occupying Their Own Land
- JovannaGarcia Soto
90+ Celebrities, Actors, Artists, and NGOs Decry Attack on Brazil School
- Grassroots International
Movements Refuse to Give Up Despite Parliamentary Coup against Democracy in Brazil
- CarolSchachet
Major U.S. Labor, Human Rights, Environmental and Women’s Organizations Denounce “Legislative Coup” Against Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff
- Maria Luísa Mendonça & Jovanna Garcia Soto
Changing Haiti with PAPDA’s Ricot Jean-Pierre
- Johanna Kougbeadjo
Peanuts and Protest in Haiti Minimize US Surplus Dumping Scheme
- Krystal Kilhart
Haitian Farmers to the U.S. Government: “No to free peanuts!”
- Ted Oswald
Mega-Dam Project in Brazil Halted: Grassroots Groups Celebrate Victory
- CarolSchachet
Another COPINH Leader, Defender of Indigenous Communities and Rivers, Assassinated
- Grassroots International
Brazil: 12 Things You Should Know About What’s Happening
- CarolSchachet
Movement Views Dilma Ouster as a Coup
Black and Afro-Indigenous Farmers Share 2015 Food Sovereignty Prize
Holding Up More than Half the Sky
Global Women Leaders to Appear in New York City, Receive Award in Boston
Grassroots International to honor the World March of Women, Via Campesina and two Community Partners
Role of Women Strengthened in Global Peasant Rights Movement
2011 Food Sovereignty Prize winners announced
Indigenous Community in Chiapas
The global forum “For Life, Environmental and Social Justice” has begun
Call to Action for the International Community
International Women’s Delegation Granted Entry to Gaza
Take Action: Community Activists in Chiapas Face Harassment and Intimidation
Solidarity Letter and Call to Stop the War in Gaza
Israel May Be in Violation of Arms Export Control Act
Grassroots International Condemns the Bombing in Gaza
Movement Groups in Haiti Unite for Action Post-Hurricanes
Evicted South Africans Rally in Support of Immigrants
On the occasion of the “International Human Rights Day”
Stop Israeli Policy of Siege and Isolation of the Gaza strip
Massacre at Felizburgo
The Legacy of President Arafat
Farewell Abu Ammar
GCMHP Calls for Immediate Intervention to Stop the Israeli Military
Israeli Occupying Troops Expand Their Offensive on the Northern Gaza Strip
Palestinian and Arab prisoners in Israeli jails continue with hunger strike demanding improved conditions.
Global Justice Fund Completes $1 Million Goal
Psychologists for Social Responsibility Grants Peace Prize to Gaza Community Mental Health Programme
Haitian Civil Society Organisations’ Declaration on the Interim Cooperation Framework Process
Sustained Attention to Needs of Haiti Necessary
Israel’s Declaration of Gaza Strip as Enemy Entity Will Strangulate Gaza and Lead to Catastrophe for Civilians