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Palestine: Six Months of Genocide

#Videos#Defense of territory#Human Rights Defense
April 2024

Grassroots International

Watch the new video for our Palestine Emergency Relief Fund

It’s been six months and Gaza can’t wait a minute longer. The Palestine Emergency Relief Fund aims to get resources into the hands of communities on the frontlines of saving lives as we keep up global pressure to end the genocide.

Grassroots International has deep, decades-long relationships with community-led organizations  throughout Palestine.

Since October, these partners have been critical lifelines for millions of Palestinians, distributing food, clean water, blankets, and hygiene kits to their neighbors in need. Now is the time to stand with them, so that they can continue saving lives and creating a path to a liberated future for all of us.

Donate here. 100% of funds raised will go to Palestinian organizations on the ground.


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