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Guatemala’s Feminists Mobilize for Democracy

#Videos#Human Rights Defense#Grassroots Feminisms
January 2024

Sector de Mujeres

We women say no to a coup; no to the pact of corruption and impunity; yes to democracy; yes to life.

Our partner Sector de Mujeres reports on the mobilizations of feminists, Indigenous Peoples, workers and peasants in defending democracy in Guatemala.

Since national elections in August, the outgoing right-wing government has refused to agree to leave power after the January 15th inauguration of the election’s victors. Instead of a peaceful transition of power, the right-wing made efforts over Fall 2023 to try and hold onto power — including through mobilizing military police, blockading roads, and trying to pass dictatorial laws.

As Guatemala’s presidential inauguration approaches, we join Guatemalan movements in calling for respect for democracy and a peaceful transition of power. Check out this powerful video by our partner Sector de Mujeres showing how a diversity of feminists are leading the charge in Guatemalans’ struggle for democracy.

(Be sure to click the CC button on the YouTube player below, then click the gear icon and select English subtitles)

Voices from the Frontlines

“We consider that democracy is the minimum basis for advancing in governability and governance for the construction of a fair and inclusive country that respects diversity and people…”

“They cut our branches. They burned our trunks. But they were never able to uproot us. Here we are.”

“The elections constitute the mechanism to ensure changes in power, as the people — and the women — already decided at the polls, which is why we demand respect for the results of the electoral process that has just been concluded, certified by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and supported by national and international missions of observers.

At this historic moment, we want to recognize and support the legitimate leadership of the Indigenous, ancestral, and community authorities in defense of democracy and the rule of law.

As defenders of human rights, as defenders of life, as caretakers of life, to defend the little democracy left to us by the pacts of the corrupt, we walk for democracy. We want to join forces to profoundly transform this country. We are fighting for a rule of law for all, and we believe that, through buen vivir (living well) and emancipatory actions, this country will change.

Democracy for us means participation, social justice, voice, social auditing, elections that are respected, deputies that are held accountable, and that we can achieve a country with social justice and democracy. That’s why women will always be in defense of democracy.”

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