Consejo para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer Campesina/Council for the Integral Development of the Peasant Woman (CODIMCA)
CODIMCA is the lead organization for the Women’s Regional Commission of La Via Campesina – Central America. Created in 1985, CODIMCA was one of Honduras’ first peasant women-led organizations focused on women’s land rights.
The Consejo para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer Campesina/Council for the Integral Development of the Peasant Woman (CODIMCA) promotes women’s land rights through agrarian reform and advocates both for better public policies and more services in rural areas. It trains women in community organizing and project management and supports member groups in developing common strategies and actions. The organization also provides support to youth groups in Honduras.
Through the national commissions, the women of Via Campesina-Central America seek to increase women’s participation within La Via Campesina and other decision-making spaces to challenge both patriarchy and the neoliberal model, and to defend women’s rights and gender equality.
At the regional level, the women of Via Campesina are working to implement the objectives of La Via Campesina’s Global Campaign to End Violence Against Women. The campaign addresses the violation of women’s social, cultural, political and economic rights. CODIMCA and other women-led organizations facilitate workshops and organizing committees throughout Central America for people of all gender identities at the national and community levels.