World March of Women
The World March of Women is a feminist, anti-capitalist movement connecting grassroots groups and organizations in the struggle against all forms of inequality and discrimination that women face.
The World March of Women (WMW) values and actions center on the globalization of solidarity; equality between women and men, among women themselves and between peoples; the respect and recognition of diversity among women; the multiplicity of our strategies; the appreciation of women’s leadership; and the strength of alliances among women and with other progressive social movements.
WMW works to elaborate a feminist analysis for all the fundamental issues and to strengthen social movements through feminist frameworks. As WMW states, “Our call is circular: Change the world to change women’s lives, change women’s lives to change the world.”
The movement’s commitment to eradicate structural causes of poverty and violence against women is reflected in four main action areas, inspired by and based in local struggles: women’s work; the commons and public services; violence against women; and peace and demilitarization. In its struggle for social justice, WMW tries to avoid a separation and fragmentation of agendas. Intersectionality is a core part of its approach.
In this context, WMW sees its task to organize with women to take action with courage, skills and creativity; to raise voices and visibility; and to strengthen internal organizing through democratic practices.