Associação em Áreas de Assentamento no Estado do Maranhão (Association in the Settlement Areas of the State of Maranhão, ASSEMA)
Many local people in Médio Mearim, Maranhão hold up the babaçu nut as a symbol of their home’s natural wealth. While agribusiness threatens the very survival of this nut and the people who depend on it, ASSEMA organizes local farmers and nut harvesters to defend their way of life.
In the Médio Mearim Region of the state of Maranhão, Brazil, aggressive agribusiness and megaprojects are devastating natural resources and the lives of peasant women, gender nonconforming people and their families. The region was once littered with natural babaçu nut forests. Today, agribusiness has cleared many of these forests for eucalyptus and sugar cane plantations or cattle farms.
Many of the remaining babaçu forests are now located on private lands, so many local people do not have the free access, as they once did, to collect the precious nuts that sustain their families and communities. They are instead forced into low-wage work for the big landholders.
This disruption is not just environmental or economic. It’s cultural, too. For many local people, the babaçu nut and its forests symbolize the natural wealth of Médio Mearim.
Against this, Associação em Áreas de Assentamento no Estado do Maranhão (Association in the Settlement Areas of the State of Maranhão, ASSEMA) organizes thousands of rural families in Northeast Brazil to remain on and make a living from farms gained through land reform. Founded by courageous women who chose to fight for their community instead of accepting evictions, ASSEMA puts great emphasis on the value of women and gender nonconforming people’s labor and a respect for Indigenous cultures and the environment.
With ASSEMA’s support, rural women and LGBTQIA+ people are leading campaigns to protect the native Babaçu palm tree and their livelihoods as Babaçu nut harvesters. Through local cooperatives and associations, Babaçu nut harvesters are able to sell their products for a fair price and benefit from royalties payments for the use of their traditional knowledge by cosmetic companies.
ASSEMA also supports the widespread use of organic farming practices that include the intercropping of Babaçu trees with grains and fruit bearing plants. These initiatives will be complemented by fruit processing strategies that enhance the economic value of local crops and achieve some of ASSEMA’s key objectives: increasing the productivity of subsistence family agricultural practices, diversifying local diets and incomes, and developing a sustainable economic base for the region’s poor peasant families.
Explore our relevant resources
The Road to the 3rd Nyéléni Global Forum
- Saulo Araujo of Grassroots International

16th Annual Food Sovereignty Prize Awarded By US Food Sovereignty Alliance

African Youth Pave the Way Forward on Agroecology
- Million Belay of AFSA

The Superpower of Soil and Those who Protect It
- Diane Martin and Dana Fugate of Mothers Out Front

Learning from Brazil’s Social Movements
- Grassroots International

A New Framework for Trade Based on Food Sovereignty — Nyéléni Newletter no. 57
- Nyéléni

Resistance From Within the Belly of the Agro-Industrial Beast
- Christina Schiavoni

New Children’s Book on the MST by Former Grassroots Intern
- Christina Schiavoni

Haiti: Our Country Needs a Solution Coming from Its People
- Doudou Pierre Festile and Micherline Islanda Aduel

Funding in Haiti and Palestine Amid Devastating Conditions
- Michael Kavate, Inside Philanthropy

Scaffolding for a Liberated Future: Our New Movement Infrastructure Fund
- Grassroots International

Join Our Delegation to Brazil This July
- Grassroots International

Long-Term Partnership Toward Food Sovereignty
- Grassroots International

Celebrating Food Sovereignty with MPP and Black Dirt Farm Collective
- US Food Sovereignty Alliance

15th Annual Food Sovereignty Prize Honors the Black Dirt Farm Collective and Haiti’s Mouvman Peyizan Papay (MPP)
- US Food Sovereignty Alliance

Grassroots Through the Years: Food Sovereignty
- Grassroots International

The Movement for Community-Led Agroecology
- Grassroots International

10 Things You Should Know About Brazil’s MST
- Grassroots International

Advancing Just Transformation in Puerto Rico: Strategies from the Frontlines after Fiona
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Federation Celebrated for Black Resistance in Fields and Food
- Federation Of Southern Cooperatives

VIDEO: Organización Boricuá Explains Agroecology
- Jesús Vázquez Negrón

Soil to Sky: Climate Solutions That Transform

2022 in Review: Building, Deepening, and Growth
- Grassroots International

Relief, Recovery or Change?
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Prize Highlights Solutions to Worsening Hunger Crisis
- The U.S. Food Sovereignty Alliance

Grassroots International Formalizes West Africa Program
- Grassroots International

The Frontlines Are at the Grassroots

Mexico’s New Movement Institute for Indigenous and Peasant Youth
- Christina Schiavoni

LGBTQIA+ Peasants in Struggle: Free Our Land, Free Our Bodies
- Capire

GRAPHIC: Restrictions on Palestinian Food Sovereignty
- Visualizing Palestine

Via Campesina Releases Booklet on Economic Justice
- La Via Campesina

Feeding the World, Cooling the Planet
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Raising a United Voice for Indigenous Lives and Mother Earth
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In 2022, Solidarity Remains Our Way Forward
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2021 in Review and Resistance
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Rooting Climate Justice in Indigenous Resistance
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Grassroots Intermediaries are a Path to Climate Justice
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Black and Indigenous Communities Take on Corporate Land Grabbing
- Christina Schiavoni

Land and Territory: Sovereignty, Culture and Resistance
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Food Sovereignty, a Manifesto for the Future of Our Planet
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Reflections on Food Sovereignty and Black Liberation
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25 Years of Food Sovereignty: Accompanying the Struggle
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Food Sovereignty Prize Winners Announced
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Supporting a Haitian-Led Crisis Response
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Communicating Food Sovereignty: 10 Years of the Nyéléni Newsletter
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VIDEO: Land Grabs in Brazil
- Grassroots International

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Converging to Overcome Crisis and Change the System
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World Food Day: Saluting Food Sovereignty Prize Awardees
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Dignity over Austerity in Puerto Rico’s Food Sovereignty Movement
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- Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

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Celebrating Women’s Leadership and Resilience
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- La Via Campesina

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2017 Food Sovereignty Prize Winners Announced
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Voices from the Via: Attendees from International Conference Share Thoughts
- La Via Campesina

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- La Via Campesina

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Peasants From Over 70 Countries Meet to Build Food Sovereignty
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The Future of Farmland (Part 2): Grabbing the Land Back
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Movement Building at the Heart of Haitian Peasants’ Response to Climate Change
- Mina Remy and Salena Tramel

The Future of Farmland (Part 1): The New Land Grab
- Neil Thapar

Women Farmers in West Africa Challenge Agribusiness, Promote Community Control
- Michael Martin

Landless Workers’ Movement Gathers 170,000 People for Agrarian Reform Fair in São Paulo
- ChristyPardew

Stepping Up Support for Climate Justice
- Grassroots International

Agroecology and Why We Should Care About It
- Jena Doyle

The Meeting of Afro-Brazilian Culture and African Activists in Bahia
- LydiaSimas

From Crisis Response to Building Resiliency in Haiti
- MinaRemy

Unbroken Connection to the Land
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When the Rains Fall in (West) Africa
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Learning Without Borders, With Struggle and Hope: Our Time with MCP
- LydiaSimas

The Power of Human Connection
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5 Food Systems Lessons the U.S. Can Learn from Africa
- Jennifer Lentfer

2016 Food Sovereignty Prize Recipients Call Big Ag’s Bluff, Challenge Corporate Food System
- CarolSchachet

Peanuts and Protest in Haiti Minimize US Surplus Dumping Scheme
- Krystal Kilhart

Free Trade Dismantling Lives, Cultures in Mexico
- Krystal Kilhart

Organizing Women-Headed Households in Brazil
- Nasim G. Memon

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